Monthly Archives: June 2014
A Big R: Responsibility
I once followed a keynote motivational speaker at a conference, who opened his presentation by dramatically stepping away from the podium, and in full view of the audience, brought his elbows up, his fists in to his shoulders and then … Continue reading
Supply Chain’s Responsibility to Good Outcomes
Throughout our personal and professional lives, the concept of responsibility permeates everything we do – all of our actions and our thoughts – often without us consciously recognizing it. It is impossible to touch, create or manufacture responsibility. It is … Continue reading
Responsibility – Joe, Sherry and The Corps …
Responsibility seems like a fairly straightforward topic. Yep, the Excellent Organization will display the trait, “Responsibility.” But what does that mean? Does it mean that the people who work for the organization are “responsible”? Does it mean that the department … Continue reading